Membership application for individuals.
Best place to Join SAUFF is through an affiliated club! But for those individuals that wish to stay as an individual member this application below is for you.
CONFIRM THAT YOU HAVE READ AND AGREE WITH the Rules for application of membership.
Please complete the below registration form to become a SAUFF member.Please pay your membership fee into the listed bank account and email your proof of payment to
Membership period is from 1 March till last day of Feb in any cycle.
The SAUFF membership fee for those individuals that are paid up members of an affiliated club or union will be R150 per year.
The SAUFF membership fee for those individuals that are not members of an affiliated club will be R200 per year.
1.1 If you are a member of a SAUFF affiliated underwater club and pay after 1 March, you will pay R150, this membership will still expire at the end of Feb.
1.2 If you are not a member of a SAUFF affiliated underwater club and pay after 1 March you will pay R300 and the membership will still expire at the end of Feb.
1.3 Any membership application after the 1st July will attract a full membership for the following year, paid in advance.